Saturday, May 14, 2011

First Post!!! And it's regarding my infamous Single Girl Dinner meals!

So, here it is! HERE IT IS!! The first blog! And it's going to be about.... Single Girl Dinners!!! My facebook friends are all aware of these meals (we discuss them all the time), and I want this to be a regular feature on this blog.

I have struggled over the years to make meals for one. A serious struggle because I have what Yahoo calls "Adult Selective Eating." YAY!! A diagnosis! Everyone loves to be put into a category!! It makes us feel validated! Right? It goes on to say that essentially I'm an adult picky eater. My "food preferences tend to be bland, white, or pale colored- plain pasta or cheese pizza...along with french fries and chicken fingers. Some picky eaters stick to foods with a common texture or taste." When I read this I was completely blown away! I'm not crazy! I have a disorder! I can't help it people! Now leave me the hell alone with my white foods!

I always joked that I was a food racist, but I know now I'm not alone. I've got friends! Adult Picky Eater friends! Good, so now what? Now what?! Now I can live with myself and accept that I may never venture out and eat things others find appealing, i.e.. cheeseburgers, sweet potatoes, condiments besides ketchup on ANYTHING! I just can't do it and I'm ok with that, and I'm not alone. But you wouldn't believe how many people have a problem with what I put in MY mouth! Without fail, dinner with people who don't know me spend the first 10 minutes of a meal discussing my food order. And these people won't give up! It's like I personally offend them by ordering off the kids menu or ordering something plain. It's MY meal people! I'm not asking you to join me in the land of bland! It's sorda annoying, but after 33 years, I'm used to the reaction.I don't hold it against people for trying to convince me to "just try it." But they sure as hell hold it against me! I never hear the end of it.

So, I mention all that because my Single Girl Dinners are never going to be daring! I'm not here to teach you to cook (psh, you could teach me!) or show you some new hot item off the Food Channel that I wanted to try! They are simply what I make for myself, all alone, just for me on random nights. My eating isn't always on schedule either. Nor is my appetite very big (you wouldn't know it by my thighs). So, some meals can be easy breezy as crackers and cheese! And they WILL BE!! OFTEN!! It's my go-to dinner!

My meals are meant to be fun! I want single girls to have ideas about what to do at meal time when a guy hasn't asked you out! Oh, and the fun stuff.... WINE and COCKTAILS almost always join me at meal-time! Im a sweet wine girl only, but on this part of my meals I'm going to reach out to my girlfriends who do their own Single Girl Dinners (SGDs) and get some input. Maybe I'll reach out and ask them what they have on the menu for their SGD nights! Won't that be fun?! Also, if you read this and have your own version of a SGD, then feel free to post the menu so we can all try it!

Well, that's all I have tonight! This was fun! Can't wait to see where this takes me and what I can learn from this blog! Oh, and I'm going to post my May 14th SGD next! See what you think! And DON'T JUDGE my child-like tastes! Remember, I've got a DISORDER!! And should be taken VERY seriously :p

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