Monday, May 16, 2011

Concrete Jungle Where Dreams are Made of....

Btw, this blog could be REAL fun as a drinking game! Grab your favorite cocktail and drink every time any form of the words New York City/ New York/Manhattan are mentioned! Happy reading! 
I REALLY do! A friend texted me last Sunday night telling me he was off on Monday and "want to do something?" Uh, YEAH!! NYC, baby!! 

A plan was hatched, well, half-hatched because neither one of us knew exactly how we were going to get there. You see, me being from Sweet Home Alabama doesn't exactly make me an expert on how to hop on a train to head to the Big 'Ol City! And this kid from big 'ol Philly had only been to New York once before. What?! You live 2 hours from one of the most amazing cities on this planet and you've only been once?! Impossible! Well, possible I found out. He wanted to drive. Uh, yeah. That was my first clue he had no idea. So, Type A me took the bull by the horns and powered up my netbook and Google searched that shit!

I was so excited about the trip I barely slept. I was like a kid on Christmas Eve! I packed my backpack and laid out my clothes, printed out an NYC transit map, set my alarm clock to 9:45 am, and tried to catch some ZZZs. 

Morning of my NYC day trip! I wanted to look good for my city so I took a shower and actually flat-ironed my hair! I put on a little make-up, make-up (is that a song?) and my freshly ironed t-shirt (yep! ironed!), jeans and my New Balance. I REALLY, REALLY wanted to wear a little Spring dress and strappy sandals. I could totally picture myself all decked out in a cute sundress and my big sunglasses leisurely walking the boutique-lined streets like a Gossip Girl, but who do I think I am?! Well, that day I was a damn tourist. So, I went practical. Blah! Out the door I went with my grey sneakers on...

An hour later we landed at the Trenton, New Jersey train station 'cause that's what Google told me to do. Eek. Why are train stations always in the scariest parts of town? Whatever, we were on our way to NEW YORK!! My friend bought our tickets ($30 each) and we quickly boarded. When a train says it's gonna leave at 12:52, it LEAVES at 12:52, SHARP! I kept that in mind because I have a tendency to run about 15, who the hell am I kidding, 30 minutes late to anywhere I go. 

We arrived at Penn Station an hour and a half later. We made no set plans on what we wanted to see and do. We only knew that we for-sure wanted to see the Trade Center and I wanted to visit Canal Street (knock-offs people!). This is sometimes the best way to enjoy a city. Simply see where the day takes you.

From Penn Station we boarded the E train to the WTC. Gosh, Im sure glad I printed out that transit map! Southern Girl leads the way!!!! This is actually my second trip to New York and the first one didn't go so well. Some New Yorkers think it's funny to "help" tourists ride the subway. And by "help," I mean they send you to QUEENS!!!! when you really wanted to go Downtown. NOT NICE! But, I was prepared this time. Fool me once... 

My first sight of actual New York was coming up from the subway and spotting the New Yorker Hotel sign. Ahh, SO NEW YORK!!! It gave me a teeny tiny high! Like buying new shoes! Do you see what I mean when I say "I love this place?!"  The day instantly held so much promise! The sun was out and the birds were singing (or maybe that was that homeless man...)! Anyway, it was going to be a good day!

Our subway exit came up right at the site of the missing towers. New ones were being rebuilt but it's absolutely amazing to me that multiple massive buildings fell and yet others stood their ground. Astounding! Buildings still stand so close to the wreckage. How on Earth did lower Manhattan not crumble? Standing at the edge of the site I couldn't help but look up and visualize those planes crashing into those buildings. The sky didn't seem so far up. Those planes must have looked huge to the poor people on the ground. And then to see them crash into those tall towers must have been horrifying. I can't even imagine. Across the street is the Trinity Church. Still in one piece. I wondered if people sought shelter in there that day. I looked at all the buildings that still stood and wandered if those people in those buildings thought they were going to die, too. Visiting the site absolutely brought the tragedy home. It's a powerful place to visit.  I said a prayer before leaving and off we went towards Battery Park.

The day was shaping up to be one of the nicest all Spring. The temperature was slightly warm which made this Bama girl happy! We walked along the water's edge. Looking at the New Jersey skyline then looking further down to see Her! Lady Liberty! But, funny. She seems so small over there on that tiny island overlooking the Hudson Bay. Off to her left is Ellis Island. How sweet a site they must have been to all the immigrants about to make America their home. We continued to walk towards the southernmost point of Manhattan. I really should have worn that sundress! It was THAT kind of day!

It was now almost 5:00 and we were getting hungry. We decided to walk the one and a half miles to Canal Street. Neither one of us had ever wandered the streets of New York and we were excited to see all the sites along the way. And boy did we see sites! We saw the Charging Bull. We stopped by Wall Street to see the New York Stock Exchange. I'm a sucker for a man in uniform, and I guess I'm now a sucker for a guy in a suit! HELLO!!! I'm definitely living in the WRONG city! Next we saw the Brooklyn Bridge! I really am a tourist! Seeing it made me so happy! We passed City Hall and then made our way into Chinatown. I prepped my friend for what was about to come. "Listen, D. You're going to hear a lot of 'Rolex, Rolex, Rolex.' And people are going to shove papers with pictures of purses in your hand. Don't take anything and don't say anything. Just follow me and stick close!" 

Managing our way through Canal Street wasn't too bad. D, however, did not follow my advice so we got sidelined a couple of times. Why don't men listen to us?! I pretty much just pulled him through! I wasn't really in the market for any knock-offs, but just walking on Canal Street is such a rush! I did get a deal on two "pashmina" scarves. $12 for 2! Nice! I probably could've gotten them for $10, but it didn't help that when I pulled out the $10 the ones came too so my chance for doing some real negotiating went out the window. Oh well. Next time?!

After Canal Street we really didn't know where we were going. We just meandered north-ish. Within minutes we were within smell-shot of LITTLE ITALY!!!  We found our way onto Mulberry Street. The HEART of Littly Italy! I had no idea we were even in the area! What a treat! And with all those amazing smells of pasta and garlic and bread, fugedaboudit!! We were in! What I didn't know was that Littly Italy is the food version of Canal Street!! We started to walk down the narrow sidewalk and were bombarded by all the little bistros' and ristorantes' matradees thrusting menus at us and yelling out their specials. They practically push and pull you into their establishments! It was very overwhelming, but i stuck with the "don't take anything or say anything" mantra. WE would decide where we wanted to eat! NOT them! This may sound like I was a bit annoyed, but that is not at all the case. It was all VERY exciting! But, just like Vegas, the house always wins...

Each cafe had menus propped up outside the door so you could read the specials. We found Casa Bella. They seemed to have good prices, so we said yes and in like 2 seconds we were quickly squished into a tiny table outside. I was still a happy girl! It was all apart of the experience, the New York experience!, and I was loving every minute of it! It felt like I was at a theme park where the actors over-exaggerate whatever culture they are trying to convince you they are representing. But this was the real deal! I ordered my usual fettuccine alfredo and a glass of wine. D ordered the same. We got our bill and it was $65!! WHAT?! The menu right there said $10! The waiters didn't speak real good English and we just went ahead and paid. Oh, and did I mention they include a 20% tip? No ifs, ands, or buts. WE picked our place, but THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS! 

Besides being monetarily raped, we were fat and happy! We proceeded north. It was still daylight and the last train out wasn't until 1:33 am, so we had plenty of time to do whatever. We decided to hit up Times Square. Because it was nice out, we decided we'd walk a few blocks before getting on the subway. What D and I didn't know was that those few blocks were littered with my very favorite shops! Forever 21, Zara, and H&M to name a few. SCORE!!! Just kidding! I was kind to D and just did run-throughs. Boys and shopping don't mix. And hell, after that dinner I was in no situation to spend any more money!

We hopped on the subway and headed to Times Square. I was feeling pretty proud of myself at this point because HE was following ME! The Philly boy was following the South Alabama girl! I managed to get us from Penn Station to Battery Park and Battery Park to Canal Street and now Canal Street to Times Square! Someone hand me a cake with a candle! 

We arrived in Times Square and by this time it was dark so it was lit up in all it's glory!! Lights and sounds everywhere! VERY NYC!!  We wandered to Rockefeller Center, FAO Schwartz, and The Plaza Hotel. We went inside Trump Tower to feel like we were on Apprentice and we strolled past Central Park. It was a lovely way to wind up an amazing day! We decided we'd hit up a bar for a beer and review my transit map so we new which subway line to take to Penn Station. 

At this point my engine was dying quick! I started to get moody like a child whose been dragged all over Disney World! My legs were jelly! My feet hurt inside my practical New Balance shoes. Because we were near Central Park we were far from the bars. We walked and walked until we FINALLY found a place called Pig 'N' Whistle and D ordered us two Miller Lights. We were served Bud Light. This was the beginning of the end. I reviewed my map and D googled our location on his phone. All signs pointed to us taking the R line. 

I pleaded with my legs to take me just ONE MORE BLOCK and they obliged... barely. We got on the subway. We rode and rode. The beer kicked in and I had to pee. We rode and rode. I REALLY had to pee. We rode and rode. The map said Penn Station was like 2 stops from where we started. Hmm........................................ Excuse me sir, where is this train headed? "QUEENS." Damnit New York! 

The blue line shows the path we walked from the WTC to Canal Street............................................................................................

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Did I just say that?!

This was pulled off an old blog I had back in the day. The original date was September, 2006. Enjoy!!

Today was vet day here in Enterprise. Meaning it was time for Oz, the cat, and Joe, the pup, to get their annual shots and my bank account to take a huge hit. But, being a responsible pet owner, I sucked it up. Plus, Ozzy was starting to sport dreadlocks on his hindquarters and back, and I was wondering whether it was just a phase he was going through or if he had some actual health issues. Either way, I knew this was bad for him (AND me) because he was probably coming back shaved. For those of you who don't know my cat, he loves his hair. He is so particular about it. Jen and I discussed the shaved cat issue and even she agreed he was going to be PISSED at me. Needless to say, I was very nervous about the visit. But, off we went.
As with any clinic, there was the usual forty minute wait. Very peculiar to me considering I was the only one there. Whatever. Finally, the vet tech calls for us. She knows us. I have a very accident prone min pin. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm putting this girl through college. But anyways, we all go into the tiny exam room. Joey is jumping around like her usual ADD self. She has no idea what's in store. Oz knows better and has made himself very small "hiding" in the corner. Joe goes first. She gets three shots in the exact same spot (OUCH!), and she starts crying. Then she gets the stick up the butt. Insult to injury.
Oz's turn. I point out the obvious new hair-do. The vet asks me all types of questions about his eating, sleeping, and poo habits. I tell him "it's all good." Then, I go into how I've been out-of-town for two months, and I just noticed the change. The vet now has the answer. My cat is depressed. Seems he has stopped bathing because he's upset with me for being gone so long, and this is the cause of the dreads. I then wait to hear the inevitable "we have to shave him." But, instead the vet tells me they are going to bathe and brush him. If he gets through the week dread-free, we are in good shape. If not, I get to bring him back and pay for a series of blood tests. Yea. So, I wish him good luck with the bath challenge, and then I'm escorted out so I can pay for the vet techs fall semester. FYI: the itemized list says a cat bath is $16.50. WELL WORTH IT! I've wrestled with a cat in a bath before, and I didn't win.
I leave the clinic with Joe in tow. I then sit out on my back porch wondering what my poor cat is going through at that exact moment. I'm waiting for the call saying it's not worth it, and they have decided to just shave him. I don't get that call, and three hours later I call to check on him. They tell me he is in the back of his cage. His top is dry, but because he's all huddled up, his bottom is still wet, and I should give it thirty more minutes before I pick him up. Ok. I wait it out, and leave my house an hour later. I'm late to everything.
I pull up to the clinic, leave my car running, and head in. It's 6:00pm. The staff is cleaning up and all of the patients are gone. I ask for my cat. One of the girls heads to the back to get him. She's gone for awhile. Hmm. Then, the receptionist tells me she can't find my file. No biggie. I sit down and watch some video about fleas. Finally, another woman calls my name. I head to the front and she tells me the clinic has accidentally sent my cat home with another woman. WHA??!! I stood there shocked. A million things rushed through my head. "Am I going to get him back? Am I a bad mother and you've decided he is better off with her? Is he freaking out? Does he think I did this to him?" I've seen that part in movies where the daycare or whomever has switched the babies by accident, and I was starting to understand how those parents must have felt at the time they were told! It was horrible! They told me he had been in a cage next to another fluffy black cat and there was this new girl who, during the "vet clinic rush hour" (3-4pm), confused the two. When they realized the mistake, the vet had called the "new mom" and told her she had my cat and he was coming to get him. The woman hadn't even taken him out of the carrier yet, so she didn't even know she had the wrong cat! Who does that?! Who doesn't peek into the carrier to reassure their cat that they have indeed come back to get them and say in a concerned parent voice, "it's okay, I'm taking you home now. It's going to be alright?" Who doesn't look?! Whatever. I get my wits about me and after being reassured that he was coming back to me, I sit down and wait for his return. The receptionist continues to tell me how sorry they are.
The initial shock wears off, and I start to see the humor in the situation and make a round of phone calls to various people that would also see the humor of this happening to me and Ozzy. Especially Ozzy. He's just a funny cat, and this type of thing was just bound to happen to him. Poor guy.
Some time went by and the vet finally comes through the front door with a tiny carrier. At first I didn't think it was my cat in there considering how small the carrier was and how large my cat is. But, when I heard his cry I knew it was him. They had my cat stuffed in there! Good lord. The vet apologizes for the "incident" and tells me he is taking Ozzy in the back to run the blow dryer over him again and give him another brushing 'cause he's all tangled. Well, no kidding! He's all squished up in that crate ! I'm sure it did ruffle his fur! GAH! Before I could even object (I was just glad he was back), the vet whisked him away.
About ten minutes later, he puts my cat safely in my arms. The vet and about four other staff members were all standing around telling me again how it all happened and how sorry they all were. I was tired and only then realized my car was still running!! I hurriedly told them it was ok and to not worry about all of it. As I'm walking out the door I thanked them for the blow job. YES! I said BLOW JOB! AHHHH!!!  I immediately realized my error and said "I meant blow DRY!!"  Did this really just happen to me?  Doesn't this stuff only come out of Jessica Simpson's mouth?!  Freaking A!! Talk about embarrassing! To top it off, the vet replied "yeah, we don't do that here!" Funny man. They all laughed and I assume I sent them home with a great story. Not only was the original story good enough for dinner conversation, but I went and topped it off by thanking them for a blow job!
AND, I have to see them again next week for Ozzy's follow-up.  I don't need other people to humiliate me.  I can do it fine ALL BY MYSELF! 
Dedicated to my dear cat who was everything to me. I love you so much and miss you terribly.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Single Girl Dinner (SGD), Breakfast for Dinner

So, my very first post about my SGD!! I never in my wildest dreams ever thought my first post about my infamous meals would be a "Breakfast for Dinner" meal. I'm a bit embarrassed! But, that's what it was on this Saturday night! So, here it is:

(2) Giant brand Homestyle waffles with butter and syrup
(2) scrambled eggs ( I did mine with milk this time), lightly salted

I only had 2 glasses tonight. Nothing crazy going on here! I used Andre Spumante cause not only do I like my bubbly, but I like my bubbly on the cheap! And Andre has never let me down! $5.49 for the bottle (it was on sale from $6.49).

WOW! So, there it is! I haven't had the urge to eat breakfast food in like YEARS! It's the meal I skip... don't lecture me! But, I went shopping hungry one night and walked out with only breakfast foods. I blame it on my Aunt Katie. I visited her for a couple of days and she has a family to feed, so, of course, they have breakfast. Like normal people!  The mood struck me right and the next time I went grocery shopping it was still on my brain. I bought flaky, layer biscuits, butter, waffles, pancakes, syrup, eggs, and orange juice (which I define as a breakfast only drink). That was about 2 weeks ago, and tonight, the taste was there! Voila! Breakfast for Dinner! BONUS:  I never expected that when I bought the oj that I'd have sitting in my fridge a brand new bottle of Spumante! What an unexpected surprise!! Those two go together like Laverne and Shirley!

First Post!!! And it's regarding my infamous Single Girl Dinner meals!

So, here it is! HERE IT IS!! The first blog! And it's going to be about.... Single Girl Dinners!!! My facebook friends are all aware of these meals (we discuss them all the time), and I want this to be a regular feature on this blog.

I have struggled over the years to make meals for one. A serious struggle because I have what Yahoo calls "Adult Selective Eating." YAY!! A diagnosis! Everyone loves to be put into a category!! It makes us feel validated! Right? It goes on to say that essentially I'm an adult picky eater. My "food preferences tend to be bland, white, or pale colored- plain pasta or cheese pizza...along with french fries and chicken fingers. Some picky eaters stick to foods with a common texture or taste." When I read this I was completely blown away! I'm not crazy! I have a disorder! I can't help it people! Now leave me the hell alone with my white foods!

I always joked that I was a food racist, but I know now I'm not alone. I've got friends! Adult Picky Eater friends! Good, so now what? Now what?! Now I can live with myself and accept that I may never venture out and eat things others find appealing, i.e.. cheeseburgers, sweet potatoes, condiments besides ketchup on ANYTHING! I just can't do it and I'm ok with that, and I'm not alone. But you wouldn't believe how many people have a problem with what I put in MY mouth! Without fail, dinner with people who don't know me spend the first 10 minutes of a meal discussing my food order. And these people won't give up! It's like I personally offend them by ordering off the kids menu or ordering something plain. It's MY meal people! I'm not asking you to join me in the land of bland! It's sorda annoying, but after 33 years, I'm used to the reaction.I don't hold it against people for trying to convince me to "just try it." But they sure as hell hold it against me! I never hear the end of it.

So, I mention all that because my Single Girl Dinners are never going to be daring! I'm not here to teach you to cook (psh, you could teach me!) or show you some new hot item off the Food Channel that I wanted to try! They are simply what I make for myself, all alone, just for me on random nights. My eating isn't always on schedule either. Nor is my appetite very big (you wouldn't know it by my thighs). So, some meals can be easy breezy as crackers and cheese! And they WILL BE!! OFTEN!! It's my go-to dinner!

My meals are meant to be fun! I want single girls to have ideas about what to do at meal time when a guy hasn't asked you out! Oh, and the fun stuff.... WINE and COCKTAILS almost always join me at meal-time! Im a sweet wine girl only, but on this part of my meals I'm going to reach out to my girlfriends who do their own Single Girl Dinners (SGDs) and get some input. Maybe I'll reach out and ask them what they have on the menu for their SGD nights! Won't that be fun?! Also, if you read this and have your own version of a SGD, then feel free to post the menu so we can all try it!

Well, that's all I have tonight! This was fun! Can't wait to see where this takes me and what I can learn from this blog! Oh, and I'm going to post my May 14th SGD next! See what you think! And DON'T JUDGE my child-like tastes! Remember, I've got a DISORDER!! And should be taken VERY seriously :p